

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Finally.....Our Official Launch Party!!!

This week we hosted the official launch party of our spaces to the who's who of the Events Industry. We had a wildly successful event with some of the most elite planners, designers, florists, photographers, musicians and press contacts as well as potential clients and booked many events that night alone. Our phones haven't stopped since the party and we can't wait until the next launch for the newest spaces coming in June, our Roofdeck and another event floor. Special thanks to our fabulous in-house caterer, Sterling Affair, Madison Florists, Blue Point Events, Sweet as a Cupcake, SPE Entertainment, and Current Affair for their participation in making the event a total success!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stirring up a Buzz.....

One of our favorite photographers, Robert Wagner, recently created a blog post on his own website about the best venues in the area and we are thrilled to have made the cut.
Check out his post and his gorgeous work while you are at it!